Discover Your Ascension Archetype To Be A Clear Channel
For Consciousness & Money As A New Earth Architect
During this LIVE 3 Hour Group Immersion you will:
Uncover your EXACT oracle archetype and how to use it to channel consciousness & money so that your income matches the potent medicine you are here to share with others
Refine your channel so that you never have to questions your downloads again
Learn how to use your archetype to jump timelines so that you can become a pristine channel for consciousness AND for money - now!
Reclaim your confidence in your abilities to channel and serve your cherished clients with 100% accuracy, 100% of the time
Release any (un) conscious resistance that may be standing in your way of prosperity flowing to you & through you 24/7 so that you can elevate into the financial reality that has felt out of reach - until now!
Jennifer Longmore is an award winning 8+ Figure CEO, 12 time best selling author, sought after high level business advisor to 6, 7 & 8 figure light leaders with enormous missions that require enormous money to fund them. She has amassed great wealth by building assets, investing, and buying and selling companies.
Before becoming Mother Malia, she built the #1 Akashic Record Training School in the world. Over the past 20 years, her school has certified over 100,000 consultants in over 100 countries and has been translated into 5 languages.
She is a clear channel for Mother Malia: The Great Mother who comes to earth during times of great transition, like the collective ascension we are experiencing now. She is here to restore the original codes of The Land of Humanity, to reawaken the gold codes as they were intended, and support as many light leaders as possible elevate into their sacred mission and allow in millions to fuel the spread of their sacred gifts.
Mother Malia has been very clear that our mission must come over the monkey mind and that we need to be fully resourced in order to expand our Sacred Missions here on Earth.
When she is not channeling and providing high level strategic guidance to light leaders, you can find her enjoying trips with her family, hikes with her dog, or tending to her 100+ rare plant collection.